Monday, February 25, 2013

25-2-13 Kokoroco and TowaQuon

The anime for Monday Febuary 25, 2013 are

Kokoro Connect 01
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 20
Towa no Quon 01

You're getting reports on...Kokoro Connect and Towa no Quon!! want Want more reports, ask the others maybe?

Before we start, get real reports here!
Anime Database!

And. . .We start!

We started off the night with something 'new' needing something short and interesting but not distracting. So I chose a personal favorite of mine from the 2012 summer roster, Kokoro Connect!! This would be the acid test to see if It was truly a great anime or just a dirty little secret like so many others.
After sitting around the ol' Dell we, Sage, Chrys, Gabe and I would not be disappointed.

The first episode opens with the waking of our five protagonists and it's best to remember their names so here we go! Yaegashi Taichi, then Kiriyama Yui, and Nagase Iori, followed by Inaba Himeko, and finally Aoki Yoshifumi. Be sure to remember their names. I'll be using their easier to type names from here on out!! Anyway Taichi is woken up by his fifth grade sister, as Yui looks about her messy room bewildere. ( and I thought all the cute ones were so organized.) Inaba gives a twirp response to in relative? It doesn't really say so I'm guessing brother? maybe room mate? Iori accepts some tea from her mother, who it seems is her only parent and sips tea before heading out. and then Aoki sends an awkward text as his abundant family bustles around him. The five of them meet up at the front gate and all step ahead into the school.

Now we are educated by our narrator Taichi-sama, he tells us that the high school they attend requires its students to join and be active in at least one club. He shared a little tidbit I'll label out here.

Taichi-Only interested in Wrestling, not the old grappling sport mind you, he's a total otaku for WWE and UFC type dramatics!! (Btw, there's no club for WWEfags at this school. TT nTT)

Iori-Was apparently unable to choose a club due there being so many, (perhaps she's related to a few Harem-Anime protagonists eh?) She had the Homeroom teacher choose for her.

Inaba-Wanted to join the Computer club, alas there was a falling out with the leader who, given Inaba's personality could have been anyone (my money's on Nagato Yuki) and thus had to change.

Aoki-He's...well...a Moron. He had honest hopes that there was a club that would go...clubbing. Puns...why must you be bilingual!! nah I kid, but he really thought he'd get to party...poor fella.

Yui-Likes cute things (like stupid cat videos) and thus joined the Fancy club, only to learn the Fancy Club was disbanded.

so the five Freshmen were roped into...THE CULTURAL RESEARCH CLUB yea...boring as you can imagine.

I'm going to take this note that the Anime has given solid ground work for not-so  2-D Gimmicky charas, I mean there's not even an obvious Tsundere!!! The Archtypes are there in bits but the Charas  seem real, but there hasn't been any real interaction yet, so we've gone a good third into the series and we still don't know much about these charas other than their hobbies.

So Taichi enters the club, when asked if he had an idea from Inaba, the obvious leader, he tells her all about his wrestling proposal. Her temper flares quickly and she bluntly explains her lack of interest as Iori enters, Banter follows that would best be seen in the Anime right? go watch it! but then...

[Undertaker poster FTW]

Aoki and Yui enter and sit uncomfortably and Aoki tries to explain...that he and yui switched bodies!! this is met with chop to the head at his idiocy as Inaba is unamused. More Banter follows as Yui is convenced it was just a dream and that it was Aoki's perversion that caused the issue. However club is brought to a halt as Iori remembers she left her bag upstairs in the class room, and revealing that she's the president, goes to get it. Taichi, being the gentleman that he is decides to make tea while they wait for their fearless non-Inaba leader to return...only to find himself looking inside a desk...and then noticing he now has...boobs!! (forever happy) Reacting as any highschool boy would he grabs his chest trying to figure out what was going on, when he's busted by the ever homo-erotic-yuri-loving Fujishima Maiko, Maiko for short, who shows she's more than willing to give Iori a hand, yes Iori. It's at this point that Taichi starts to realise he's in Iori's body, and if that wasn't proof enough...Taichi(as played by Iori) enters and then...well watch the anime to get details.

After the two end up in the club some you'll have to watch to know banter is used to prove without a shadow of a doubt that Taichi is a Demi-God of Acting or that they did infact switch bodies. Just as they try to figure out how long they'd be stuck this ends.
They kids then walk home declaring that the day never happened and hopefully they'd never be put through such embarrassment ever again...

Here we had a Break and now I tell you the important stuff.

Gabe Said he was impressed with the reality of the Charas, but that the anime would have to jump through hoops to keep body-switching interesting without falling into pure plot-less ecchi.

Sage Was most impressed with the voice acting, the depths of the charas and the ability for the Seiyuu[s] to show off such talent was awe inspiring.

Chrys Was also impressed with the Voice acting, Though she also commented on the Art and said it was very pleasing so far.

So this gets a max rating of **** Four Stars!!

Well that was the Good, now the Fugly....

Next we watched the Anime Movie, Towa No Quon!

As we start off the feeling is that of Gai-Rei-Zero. I hate to label and anime so quickly, but this was more than apparent to all four of us, dispite our varried taste in anime. This really a rant.

We're following the S.W.A.T. From hell as they chase down some cancerous kid in the park. The kid sees the soldiers and starts freaking out, thus causing...bubbles(?) to blast from his skin and...blow shit up? We are then met with four Power Ranger Robots, who start attacking and aiding the soldiers in trying to capture the kid, only to be met with...a fish man!! Fishman uses random rain to attack the soldiers and the robots and with the aid of a ninja escape into the night.


Fishman somehow gets seperated from the ninja and bubble boy, andcrashes into a bridge where a mute girl is listening to a music box, y'know cuz that's what mute girls do. she sees him for a second and then he's gone into the night again...then there's this kid asleep on a tree, it's not hard to see that this kid, Quon is the fish boy, but at the same time there's not much to the guy. He's instantly the main male, and yet... cyborg 009 had more impact, even a large red coat couldn't help. so he goes off to work, which means walk around the theme park he seems to live in, or at least nap in, and surrounding areas. It's then we meet the ninja, with no mask, who isn't all that great ether, she's forgetable enough that I don't remember her name nor do I desire to look it up. She's also the only sex appeal, not that this is bad, far from it, but it's very blatenet. So Quon goes to the bridge where he once again meets with the mute, through a turn of events, gets her invited to the out it's not a park!) Then...he meets with the kid before, tells him with great power comes trademarked quotes and that he should be careful with his power. Before we spind time with the mute, named Kiri, who it turns out is one of the mutants, how did Quon know this? Stalker powers, maybe? I don't really know. Well Kiri has a sick grandma and long story short she's told by granny to go live her life...not to take care of her old relative. So she does. She Goes to the Theme Gardens where the ninja(...FINE HER NAME IS YURI...) Gives her a grand tour. when she gets home Granny is keeled over and taken to the hospitial. Kiri I'm sure feels bad but, being a mute, doesn't say anything. Granny dies and Kiri finally finding her vioce sing an old song from her past...this brings granny back to life, meanwhile the bubble boy, Yuuta has a nightmare and hulks out of the theme garden and into the city.

Then the bad-guys are alerted by there big tv that there are two loose mutants and the hunt is on! Quon has a big scene but it's so obvious You already know what happens, trust me you know. He goes out to save both Kiri and Yuuta dispite the odds! he gets to Yuuta and calms the kid down while some other guy in a beanie teleports to save them, taking them to...Yuri Ninja and Kiri, who are fighting off three of robots, the other two were with Quon pre teleport. Upon arrival Quon starts kicking ass and gets his ass kicked in the process, before making it out alive. Turns out Robots are scared of the police. They end up on the bridge where Quon first met Kiri, who can talk now btw. and the credits soon roll.

This anime got a two star rating. ** and I wrote a report to match my mood. But don't worry guys I'm sure it'll get better.
(is bitter over this show so far)

Gabe: he liked the show, the concept is cool and the plot seems to be moving, but it seems that chara development is gonna be an issue.

Sage: He didn't seem to keen on how borrowed the series seemed. However he didn't seem to reluctant on seeing the second film.

Chrys: Not really her theme, she said she had a hard time following the story, but the ending was a perk.

Now do yourself a favor and Go watch these shows!!!

Next Week it'll be the same four shows, let me know below if there's something else we should watch okok?

Huge shout out to Gabe, Chrys, Sage who make this possible!

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